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B.L.A Memory Adventures

B.L.A Memory Adventures

Last Thursday we left B.L.A to go a trip to North Island. During the trip we had different kinds of weather, it is made the trip more exciting, we could not change it just accept it. We had sunny, rainy and windy days, i like all kinds of weather.

In the Van we were a group of passengers composed of 14 people with different cultures and nationalities. Most of them are students from Bay Language academy. We were ready and excited to travel together to have a good weekend.

 Our driver was Felipe a nice teacher from B.L.A and very kind driver. He always was willing to help us with whatever was necessary. The connection with the people was easy despite the cultural differences we had good times together.

Our food was very rich, I could try delicious dishes prepared by my Korean friends. One kind of dishes that i will never forget is Korean curry. HUmm!! Delicious. All dishes were served with art and joy. We were a good team cooking and cleaning quickly.

One of the most interesting activities that we did was sand boarding. We had moments of pure adrenalin doing sandboarding. Childrens and adults shared the adventurous feeling.

We had to climb a huge sand mountain to have a few seconds of real bliss mixed with fear.


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